What is this I call digitize?
The first step to any embroidery job is to digitize it. This is accomplished using high end embroidery digitizing software. What this means is that we take your design, load it into our software as a background file and literally trace the element by telling our software where we want stitches and what kind of stitches and how we want them to look. We decide pathing and flow the needles take, how thick the density needs to be and what the finished embroidery design will look like.
Depending on the complexity of the design, we can spend 15 minutes or 15 hours digitizing the design. Time is money and you know what that means...
Your design can also send it out to companies that digitize for a living. That's all they do and they can do it quickly.
There are litterally 100's of designers that sell their pre-digitized designs. I can download any of them in a .dst format and add text, etc. Beware that these designs are protected as far as size. I might be able to enlarge or reduce, but not more than 10%. I can choose colors, but cannot make changes to the integrity of the purchased design.
What kind of artwork do we need for embroidery? As mentioned on the "Artwork" page, a good idea. It will cost you if you come to me and say, "I want something cool on a cap."